русское книжное издательство Uberbau логотип убербау - россия против современности
издательство uberbau Эткндинд books
ÜBERBAU – is a new publishing house operating in Riga, Latvia. We aim at introducing the broader audiences to the texts that shed light on the future of the global world. Giving precedence to authors who peer beyond the horizon and expand our understanding of possible vectors of development, we do not confine ourselves to any particular genre, period, or language. Utopia or dystopia, political manifesto or scientific forecast – any work that addresses the question ‘what is to be done?’ is worthy of our readers' attention.

русское книжное издательство Uberbau логотип убербау - россия против современности

Alexander Etkind

Russia Against Modernity

Aldous Huxley

What Are You Going to Do About It?

русское книжное издательство Uberbau логотип убербау - россия против современности
We consider submissions for publication from authors, translators, and other parties.
Manuscripts are not reviewed; however, you can always expect feedback and a clear commentary.
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